Berlin, the German capital, is a great example for meeting the challenges of modern urban centers. Rising living costs, preserving monuments and countering demands of ecological innovations are issues discussed among city planners around the world.
A selected group of architects, city planners and conservationists were invited by the Heinrich Böll Foundation to take part in a tour covering aspects of how to conserve and refurbish the essence of the Bauhaus heritage and secondly to refurbish it in a sustainable , energy and resource efficient manner. During a three-day-tour, the group visited a series of projects, including the White City of Reinickendorf in the north of Berlin, the UFA-Fabrik, a center for arts, culture and social entrepreneurship and Adlershof, the technology park at the outskirts of former East Berlin.
The participants met with expects from Berlin to discuss issues of green retrofitting as well as municipal decision makers in order to learn how regulations are implemented practically.
The tour was part of an ongoing exchange which was initiated by the conference “Greening the White City” at the Habima in Tel Aviv in 2013 and was supported by the climate fond of the German Foreign Office and the German Embassy in Israel.